Switched at birth season 3 episode 12 full episode
Switched at birth season 3 episode 12 full episode

switched at birth season 3 episode 12 full episode

I just think that Travis deserved the courtesy of being taken aside and told about John’s decision rather than finding out with everyone else. Unless I missed something, I don’t think Travis even knew that Toby was up for it.

switched at birth season 3 episode 12 full episode

John let the Travis stand there and think that the announcement was about him, only to discover that Toby had gotten the job. What has me miffed is the fact that John didn’t discuss it with Travis beforehand. I also know that it was a hard choice and not one that John would have made lightly. Moffett) is guilty of favoritism, and we all saw the work that Toby did to prove that he would be a good manager. I wasn’t happy at all with what happened between Toby (Lucas Grabeel) and Travis (Ryan Lane) in this episode. Switched at Birth Season 2 spoilers from the cast > He showed last week how quickly he can explode into anger if the situation is right, and I just hope that he doesn’t lose control to a point where he hurts anyone. I hope that Bay can help him out, but I am still a little nervous. His story was terrible, and I can see how that would definitely affect him. I was glad to see Ty (Blair Redford) opening up a little more to Bay about what happened to him in Afghanistan. Switched at Birth summer premiere recap: Tensions run high > Everything was definitely topsy-turvy in this one. Kathryn (Lea Thompson) didn’t seem to like it either, even though she too has been enjoying spending time with Daphne. She’s been hanging out with the Kennishes and bonding with them and not understanding why Bay had a problem with it, but boy, when she saw Bay bonding with Regina (Constance Marie) and Angelo (Gilles Marini), she didn’t like it one bit. As much as I do like Daphne, I have to say that I sort of enjoy the fact that she got to see what it has been like for Bay. Granted, they weren’t really at each other’s throats in this episode like they were in last week’s premiere, but there was still a lot of tension there. It’s tough to like both Daphne (Katie Leclerc) and Bay (Vanessa Marano) so much and see them fighting like they have been recently.

Switched at birth season 3 episode 12 full episode